Liste des films

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Corée The Description of Bankruptcy 파산의 기술2006 2.25 (1 Critiq.)
Hanji 달빛 길어올리기2010 2.5 (1 Critiq.)
In the Cold Cold Night 2006 1.5 (1 Critiq.)
Keeping the Vision Alive 2001 2.62 (2 Critiq.)
LEE KYUNG HAE 우리 모두가 이경해다!2007 3.5 (1 Critiq.)
The Mountain in the front 2009 2.25 (1 Critiq.)
Mudang: Reconciliation Between The Living and The Dead Youngmae2003 4 (1 Critiq.)
My family portrait 2007 3.5 (1 Critiq.)
Old Partner 워낭소리2008 3.75 (1 Critiq.)
Our School 우리 학교2006 3.62 (2 Critiq.)
The Past is a Strange Country 과거는 낯선 나라다2008 2 (1 Critiq.)
Phill Soong Ver 2.0 - The Song On The Road 필승 必勝 Ver 2.0 연영석2007 4.5 (1 Critiq.)
Repatriation Song Hwan 송환2004 3 (2 Critiq.)
Taebaek, Land of Embers 태백, 잉걸의 땅2008 3.25 (1 Critiq.)
Taxi Blues 택시 블루스2005 4.5 (1 Critiq.)
Weekends 2016 4.5 (1 Critiq.)
France 11'09''01 - 11 Septembre 11'09''01 - September 112002 2.25 (12 Critiq.)
L' Asie en flammes 2005 3.25 (1 Critiq.)
Calcutta Calcutta1969 3 (1 Critiq.)
Le Dernier Empereur 末代皇帝1987 3.69 (38 Critiq.)

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