
212 notes, Moyenne: 3.12

Oeuvre Date Note
Hong-Kong | Japon | Animes | Autres pays | Expatriés | Toutes les sections | Année:
1 2 3

Final Justice 0.50
Triangle 1.00
Taegukgi : Freres de Sang 0.00
Dünyayi Kurtaran Adam 5.00
Fist Power 1.50
Picnic 5.00
Mon voisin Totoro 5.00
Robot Carnival 3.50
Mushishi - 蟲師 3.25
The Matrix 0.25
A Toute Epreuve 4.75
Le Pacte des Loups 0.00
Spriggan 2.50
Justice, my foot 3.25
Espion Amateur 2.50
Le Voyage de Chihiro 5.00
Jan Dara 3.25
Maborosi 4.00
The Killer 5.00
Ichi The Killer 2.50
Battle Royale 4.00
2000 A.D. 2.00
The Happiness of the Katakuris 3.00
Die Bad 3.50
Getting Any? 3.00
A Fighter's Blues 1.75
Jin-Roh 4.50
Kaïro 3.50
Eureka 4.50
Princesse Mononoké 4.50
Pistol Opera 5.00
Full Contact 3.00
Failan 4.00
Happy Together 5.00
Sympathy for Mr Vengeance 5.00
Peppermint Candy 4.50
La Femme des Sables 4.75
Who am I ? 3.00
Le Syndicat du Crime 4.75
The Mission 4.25
Chungking Express 4.50
First Mission 3.50
Ordinary Heroes 3.00
The Litter on the Breeze 'First Love' 4.00
Ballistic Kiss 3.75
Distance 4.50
Legend of Zu 1.00
Double Dragon 3.00
Song of the Exile 4.75
Une Balle Dans la Tête 4.75
Ran 5.00
Sonatine 5.00
Dragons Forever 3.75
Visible Secret 1.00
Space Travelers 1.50
Autumn Moon 5.00
Claws of steel 3.00
Musa, La princesse du désert 2.00
Dead or Alive 3.00
Les Anges Déchus 2000/10 4.00
Body Weapon 2000/10 0.00
Needing You 2000/11 3.25
Anna Magdalena 2000/12 3.50
Chicken and duck talk 2000/12 4.00
Full Alert 2000/12 4.75
Future Cops 2000/12 1.00
Jugatsu 2000/12 4.50
Christmas in August 2000/12 4.75
King of Comedy 2000/12 4.25
After Life 2001/02 5.00
Gonin 2001/02 4.75
Cure 2001/02 4.50
The Powerful Four 2001/02 2.75
Made in Hong Kong 2001/02 4.50
Survival 2001/03 4.00
All About Ah-Long 2001/03 4.25
Long Arm of the Law 2001/04 4.25
Que la barque se brise que la jonque s'entrouvre 2001/04 4.25
JSA 2001/05 5.00
Naked Killer 2001/05 4.00
City of Glass 2001/05 3.50
A True Mob Story 2001/05 4.00
Born to be King 2001/05 1.00
From the Queen to the Chief Executive 2001/05 4.25
Bangkok Dangerous 2001/05 1.50
Eclipse de Lune 2001/05 4.25
Un Eté à toute Epreuve 2001/05 4.50
Ebola Syndrome 2001/05 4.75
Bangrajan 2001/06 2.50
The Street Fighter 2001/06 3.50
Return of the Street Fighter 2001/06 2.00
Tough! 2001/06 0.25
The Bride with White Hair 2 2001/07 1.00
Sailors Guerrières 2001/07 1.50
Meltdown, terreur à Hong Kong 2001/08 3.00
Bichunmoo 2001/08 1.50
Born Wild 2001/11 0.75
Rainy Dog 2002/01 4.50
Shaolin Soccer 2002/02 5.00
Avalon 2002/02 2.00

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