DVD Heroic Duo
Universe DTS, 2 DVDs


A nice 16/9, showing improvment in Universe's ability to deliver a better image. It's still not matching with Mei Ah or Megastar best images. But at least it's 16/9, and with a good compression. Those two major lacks are fixed. Then there are still some problems, it's not as sharp as it could be, there are maybe some interlacing problems (some strange artefacts are visible from time to time), colors could be more vivid. But overall that's very watchable.


Very decent 5.1 mix also here, not really matching with the best tracks ever heard in HK, but very efficient. Surround speakers are often used, even if the sound located mainly on the front speakers. In a few words, that's not Star Wars, but that's very efficient.


Often too fast, the usual problem with Universe english subs. Otherwise good quality.

special features

An audio commentary from Benny Chan on the first DVD (only with chinese subs, grrrr), another DVD for special features, that's much better than usually for Universe. The second DVD features a making of with english subs (wow), quite commercial but that's already better than usually. There are also several interviews dealing with all the aspects of production (music, directing, ...), but sadly they are not subtitled. You can then add some filmography, pics, and trailers. Overall, that's a very decent package for this actioner. It would have been even better with subs everywhere of course.


The first DVD has animated menus with sound and transitions, the second one is more classic. Overall, even if the transitions are a bit slow, the result is good looking. The package is also nice, with a cardboard slipcase.

quality/price ration

Even if Universe is not matching Mei Ah or Megastar with this edition, there are several improvements, in terms of image, special features and menus. This double DVD is a good solution to discover this movie, and just misses some improvements to reach the A group of HK DVDs.

08 October 2003
François | his/her reviews
buy it For 13.5 €
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