DVD Twins Effect, The
Universe 2 DVDs, DTS


Excellent image. It's not perfect, but it's still much better than anything I have seen from Universe until now. The compression is much better than usually, the colors are vivid, the master is very clean, and the image is very sharp. It could be sharper and better compressed, but you will need a 6 feets image to really notice about it.


Explosive 5.1 tracks, obviously. Powerful bass effects, good localization of the sound effects on the 5 speakers, it's very efficient. There isn't really much to complain about here, especially for a HK movie. It's not Gladiatior or Star Wars, of course, but only very picky people will find things to complain about. Maybe your neighbours though... : )


Good job, no particular problem - except the translation of "ko" (brother in cantonese, for a buddy or your real brother) in "Reeve", like in 2000AD.

special features

A specific DVD for the bonuses, that's a good solution to avoid compression problem. Sadly, there isn't much to eat here, especially for non cantonese speakers. A making of without subs, some trailers, some photos, some bios, and that's it. We were expecting better, even if we don't ask for 8 hours of useless documentaries.


Full animated menus, nice cover with cardboard case, that's obviously a serious work here also. The transitions may look a bit cheap, but overall, that's the only little problem.

quality/price ration

An excellent double DVD for the price. There isn't much to complain about giving this cheap price. If you want to see the movie, buy it.

15 September 2003
François | his/her reviews
buy it For 15 €
the movie