DVD Treasure Hunt
Mei Ah DTS, 16:9 - remastered edition


I didn't see the previous edition by Mei Ah, so I can't compare, but this 16/9 image is very decent. Of course, the compression is not great, with four 5.1 tracks it would be difficult. But still it's really sharp for an old HK movie, with compression problems on the tricky scenes and not all the time. Colors are ok, but there is of course some dust here and there (the image was not cleaned).


There isn't much difference between the 5.1 and DTS tracks. All of them are quite decent, with few sound effects on the surround speakers, and most of the sound on the three front ones. It's not as strange as the Universe remixes, but there are still some disturbing things, for instance with the sound effects appearing on the surround speakers during a few scenes only... And some sound effects sound a bit odd. But overall, that's a decent remix. Please note that I didn't hear the original mix before.


Sadly, the subtitles are a bit too fast. That's disappointing for a re-edition.

special features

Cast and crew (without any bio or filmo), synosis, that's really the minimum for a Mei Ah DVD.


Very nice fully animated and musical menus, that's a good beginning. The transistions between the menus are a bit too slow, but that's a minor problem. The packaging is also quite nice, with a cardboard case around the plastic one.

quality/price ration

The DTS tracks have only a commercial interest here, as they don't bring anything and use the place that could have been used for a better compression. Still, the image is quite sharp, and the remix is light enough to be hearable. Good packaging, decent menus, that's a very decent solution to watch this movie.

24 May 2003
François | his/her reviews
buy it For 17 €
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