List of movies

Country Title Year Avg. (nb)
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Hong-Kong B420 2005 3.25 (5 Reviews)
Election 2005 3.63 (74 Reviews)
A Chinese Tall Story 情癲大聖2005 2.54 (28 Reviews)
Colour of the Loyalty 2005 2.49 (19 Reviews)
One Summer With You 2005 2.25 (1 Reviews)
Haunted House 2005 3.25 (1 Reviews)
Insuperable Kid Huoyuanjia 無敵小子霍元甲2005 2.5 (1 Reviews)
the Unusual Youth 非常青春期2005 1.75 (1 Reviews)
Seven Swords 七剑2005 3.36 (77 Reviews)
2 Young 早熟2005 3.45 (15 Reviews)
Home Sweet Home 2005 2.55 (5 Reviews)
Wait 'til you're Older 童夢奇緣2005 2.75 (12 Reviews)
Crazy n' the City 2005 3.55 (14 Reviews)
Curse of Lola 2005 2.81 (4 Reviews)
Hands in the Hair 做頭2005 2 (2 Reviews)
Dragon Father and Son 龍威父子2005 2 (1 Reviews)
Seoul Raiders 韓城攻略2005 2.24 (25 Reviews)
Fight For Love 2005 1.19 (4 Reviews)
Story of Ricky 2 : Dint King Inside King 2005 0.25 (2 Reviews)
Embrace Your shadow 挚爱2005 3.17 (6 Reviews)

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