SHAW Luo Hui
Siu Law Fai / Show Lo Fai


year  grade  avg.  nb
The Shaolin Kids 少林小子 1978 3.33 3 available medias for this movie
Return of the 18 Bronzemen 雍正大破十八銅人 1976 3.12 2 available medias for this movie
The 18 Bronzemen 少林寺十八銅人 1976 3.12 14 available medias for this movie
The Blazing Temple 火燒少林寺 1976 3.05 5 available medias for this movie
The Rangers 1974 3 2
Mighty One 1971 2.88 2 available medias for this movie
Triangular Duel 鐵三角 1972 2.5 2 available medias for this movie
Chinese Iron Man 中國鈇人 1975 2.42 3 available medias for this movie
The Bravest Revenge 1970 2.12 2 available medias for this movie
The Eight Masters 1977 2 1
Two Assassins of Darkness 1977 2 1
To Subdue Evil 1973 1.7 5
Ten Brothers of Shaolin 1979 1 1
The Furious Monk from Shaolin 1974 0.5 1
Win Them All 1973
Adventure of Shaolin 1978
Moonlight Sword and Jade Lion 1979
Ape Girl 1979
The Phantom Lute 1975
The Death Duel 1972
Rikisha Kuri 1974
Eagle King 1979
Seven to One 1973
Shanghai Boxer 1974
Evil Karate 1974
Fists for Revenge 1974
The Five Devil Ghost 1971
Shaolin Kung-fu 1974 available medias for this movie
Golden Mask 1977
Tiger Jungle 1976
Knife of devil's roaring and soul missing 1976
Master and the Kid 1980
The Matchless Conqueror 1971
Unsubdued Furies 1973
18 Swirling Riders 1980


Top rewards a valuable job.

Flop underline a poor performance

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