Knock Out 
Knock Off has its defenders but its only interest is being an esquisse of Time and Tide announcing the revolution of action movie he'll do when he comes back to Hong Kong: trying to capture all the details of the action and making an action movie that functions through rythm rather than psychology. Unfortunately, if the cynism in TNT will function through humour -parodies of Woo, Wong Kar Wai...-, here it's pushed at a point where it destroys the entertaining ability of the movie: why making a movie to make fun of JCVD? Why doesn't Tsui Hark try to make an actor of him like Ringo Lam will achieve in Replican? If it were made with Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt it would be fun but with Van Damme who's a has been it's like shooting on an ambulance... Some ideas are funny (the eel whipping JCVD, the explosive jeans buttons) but most of the time Tsui Hark contempts the spectator.