Help with ID scanning system implementation


07-23-24 22:02 

Hi everyone! We have a need in our company to scan and authenticate identity documents. Who can help to implement this system? We need your recommendations on proven solutions.

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07-23-24 22:02 RE: Help with ID scanning system implementation

My workplace also faced this challenge. We found specialists who helped set everything up and trained employees. You can look for such companies in your city, they definitely exist.

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07-23-24 22:07 RE: Help with ID scanning system implementation

I was on the hunt for a solid solution to scan ID cards and verify documents not too long ago. Found some great folks who set everything up superfast. Just hit up this link, fill out the form, and their team will get in touch with you. They'll break down the products, prices, and even give you a demo. This really helped us get a handle on things and pick the best option for our needs.

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