Phillip KO Fei
高 飛
Philip Kao Fei / Gao Fei / Go Fei


year  grade  avg.  nb
Final Edge 2002
Exfernal Affairs 忠奸道 2001
Killing Skill 殺人曲 2001 available medias for this movie
The Legend of Black Mask 2001 1 1
Millennium Dragon 紅牆盜影 2000 0.5 3 available medias for this movie
Payment in Blood 英雄神話 2000 1 1
Supercop.Com 2000 2 1
Internet Mirage 1999
Hitman's Call 1999
Royal Sperm 1999 0.25 2
Burning with Desire 1999
Power Connection 1995 1 1
Angel on Fire 喋血柔情 1995 1.75 2 available medias for this movie
Lethal Panther 2 1993 2.29 6
Guns And Roses 1993 2 2
Hard to Kill 1992 2 1
Ultracop 2000 1992 1.88 2
Fatal Chase 1992 1.9 5
The Cyprus Tigers 1990 2.08 6
Killer's Romance 浪漫殺手自由人 1990 2.86 9
Final Run 1989 3.22 8
The Pier 1983 3 1
Dirty Angel 1982


year  grade  avg.  nb
The God Of Gun 鎗神 2003
Final Edge 2002
Killing Skill 殺人曲 2001 available medias for this movie
Exfernal Affairs 忠奸道 2001
Angel Cop Final Crisis 2001
The Legend of Black Mask 2001 1 1
Shadow Mask 2001
Supercop.Com 2000 2 1
Legend of Wind (2000) 黑獄聖女 2000
Unbeatables 火舞耀揚 2000 0.5 1 available medias for this movie
Pursuit of a Killer 雄霸四海 2000
Payment in Blood 英雄神話 2000 1 1
My Wife's Bodyguard 1999
Burning with Desire 1999
Internet Mirage 1999
Hitman's Call 1999
Royal Sperm 1999 0.25 2
The Three Lusketeers 1998 2 1 available medias for this movie
The Suspect 極度重犯 1998 3.3 25 available medias for this movie
Yes Madam 5 1996 1.62 2
The Vengeance 1995
The Adventurers 1995 3.19 17 available medias for this movie
Angel on Fire 喋血柔情 1995 1.75 2 available medias for this movie
Power Connection 1995 1 1
Deadly Target 1994 2.12 4
Secret Admirer 1993
Lethal Panther 2 1993 2.29 6
Guns And Roses 1993 2 2
Son of Dragon 1992
Killer Flower 1992
I Revenge For My Son 1992
Hard to Kill 1992 2 1
Ultracop 2000 1992 1.88 2
Fatal Chase 1992 1.9 5
Spiritually a Cop 1991 3.88 4
Phantom War 1991 3 3
An Eternal Combat 天地玄門 1991 3.21 14 available medias for this movie
The Cyprus Tigers 1990 2.08 6
Techno Warriors 1990
The Sniping 1990 2.94 4
Big Brother 1990 3.12 2
Fatal Termination 1990 3.18 18 available medias for this movie
Tiger on the Beat 2 老虎出更 2 1990 3.1 5 available medias for this movie
Final Run 1989 3.22 8
Lucky Seven 2 1989 1.75 1
Carry On Yakuza 1989 2.75 4
Angel Enforcers 皇家飞凤 1989 2.75 7
Bloody Brotherhood 同根生 1989 3.57 7
Angel Mission 1989 2.75 1
Battle in Hell 1989 1.92 3
Just Heroes 義膽群英 1989 3.61 47
Red Lips 1989 1.42 3
Fight to Survive 1989 2.75 6
Mistaken Identity 合成人 1988 2.75 2
Escape from Kingdom 1988 2 1
Ruthless Family 1988 1.38 2
18 Times 1988 2.5 1 available medias for this movie
On the Run 亡命鴛鴦 1988 3.71 39 available medias for this movie
Dragons Forever 飛龍猛將 1988 4.1 51 66/100 available medias for this movie
Tiger on the Beat 老虎出更 1988 3.14 35 available medias for this movie
Dragon Family 龍之家族 1988 3.5 7 available medias for this movie
Paper Marriage 過埠新娘 1988 3.45 11 available medias for this movie
Mr. Possessed 1988 3 1 available medias for this movie
Scared Stiff 小生夢驚魂 1987 2.56 12 available medias for this movie
Curse 1987 0.5 1
You're My Destiny 1987 3.5 2
Eastern Condors 東方禿鷹 1987 3.62 38 available medias for this movie
Fortune Hunters 1987 2.5 1
The Magic Crystal 魔翡翠 1986 3.12 20 available medias for this movie
Naughty Boys 扭計雜牌軍 1986 3.21 12 available medias for this movie
Millionaires' Express 富貴列車 1986 3.76 51 available medias for this movie
The Man from Holland 1986 2.25 2
The Master Strikes Back 1985 1.67 3
Ninja Terminator 1985 0 3
108 Killers 1985
Exciting Dragon 1985 2.92 3
Ghost Festival 1985
This Man is Dangerous 1985 3.38 2
Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars 夏日福星 1985 3.35 29 available medias for this movie
Heart of Dragon 龍的心 1985 3.46 35 available medias for this movie
Yellow Skin 1985
Secret Service of the Imperial Court 錦衣衛 1984 3.52 11 available medias for this movie
Opium and the Kung-fu Master 1984 3.5 10 available medias for this movie
Profile in Anger 1984 2.9 5 available medias for this movie
Sex Beyond the Grave 1984 1.62 2 available medias for this movie
I Will Finally Knock You Down, Dad 1984 2.5 2
Return of Bastard Swordsman 1984 2.67 3 available medias for this movie
Shaolin Intruders 1983 4.07 14 available medias for this movie
Mercenaries from Hong Kong 1983 3.33 9 available medias for this movie
Seeding of a Ghost 1983 3.28 9 available medias for this movie
The Boxer's Omen 1983 3.9 10
Eight Diagram Pole Fighter 五郎八卦棍 1983 3.94 44 available medias for this movie
The Pier 1983 3 1
Super Dragon 1982
Clan Feuds 1982 2.5 3 available medias for this movie
Magic Curse 1982 1.75 2
Fury in Shaolin Temple 1982
Great Massacre 1982 3 1
Rivals of the Silver Fox 1982
The Alliance of Hung Sect 1982
Brothers from Walled City 1982 3.67 6 available medias for this movie
Outlaw Genes 1982 3.5 1
Dirty Angel 1982
Legend of a Fighter 霍元甲 1982 3.53 15 available medias for this movie
Shaolin Monk 1981
Dreadnought 勇者無懼 1981 3.71 23 available medias for this movie
Hired Guns 1981 2.88 2 available medias for this movie
The Club 1981 3.94 16
Tiger Over the Wall 1980
Master and the Kid 1980
The Loot 1980 3.38 4 available medias for this movie
Snake Deadly Act 1980 3.5 4
Fearless Dragons 1980 3.25 3
Ten Brothers of Shaolin 1979 1 1
Secret Message 1979
Choi Lee Fat Kung Fu 1979 2.5 2
Revengeful Swordswoman 1979
Dragon on Fire 1979 0.5 1
Duel of the Seven Tigers 1979 2.25 1
The Gold Connection 1979
Iron Fisted Eagle's Claw 1979
Shaolin Tough Kid 1979
The Challenger 1979 3.55 5 available medias for this movie
Cantonen Iron Kung Fu 1979 1.5 1
Two Wondrous Tigers 1979
The Incredible Kung-Fu Master 1979 3.29 12
Fists, Kicks, and the Evils 1979
Scorching Sun, Fierce Winds, and Wild Fire 1979 2 2
Manhunt 1978
Shaolin Red Master 1978
The Eighteen Jade Arhats 1978 2 1 available medias for this movie
The Lawman 1978 available medias for this movie
Eagle's Claw 1978 2.38 2
Green Jade Statuette 1978 1 1
Enter Three Dragons 1978 1.69 4
Goose Boxer 1978
Murder of Murders 1978
Dragon of the Swordsman 1978
Master Killers 1978
The Souls of the Sword 1978
Secret rivals 2 南拳北腿鬥金狐 1977 3.68 7
Along Comes a Tiger 1977 2.75 1
Snuff Bottle Connection 1977 2.93 7
The Mysterious Heroes 1977
The Invincible armour 1977 3.12 6
Clutch of Power 1977
Chinese Connection 2 1977 1.75 2
The Eight Masters 1977 2 1
The Criminal 1977
Sea God And Ghosts 1977
Shaolin Death Squads 1977
The Damned 1977
Seven Men of Kung Fu 1976
Heroine Kan Lien Chu 1976
The Best of Shaolin Kung Fu 1976
The Hot, The Cool and The Vicious 1976 2.45 5
Killer Meteors 風.雨.雙流星 1976 1.79 6 available medias for this movie
Shaolin Kung Fu Mystagogue 1976
Struggle with Death 1976
Return of the Chinese Boxer 1975 3 2
The Black Dragon's Revenge 1975 2 1
The Furious Monk from Shaolin 1974 0.5 1
Blood Revenge 1974 2 1 available medias for this movie
Four Real Friends 1974
Boxers of Loyalty and Righteousness 1973
The Rendezvous of Warriors 1973 2 1
5 Kung fu Daredevil Heroes 1973
The Killer 1972 3.75 2
Angry Guest 1972 2.42 3 available medias for this movie
The Water Margin 水滸傳 1972 2.94 18 available medias for this movie
Duel of Fists 拳擊 1971 2.41 11 available medias for this movie
Deadly Duo 雙俠 1971 3.38 21 available medias for this movie
The Anonymous Heroes 無名英雄 1971 2.92 6 available medias for this movie


year  grade  avg.  nb
The Legend of Black Mask 2001 1 1
Shadow Mask 2001
Legend of Wind (2000) 黑獄聖女 2000
Pursuit of a Killer 雄霸四海 2000
Guns And Roses 1993 2 2
Phantom War 1991 3 3
Fury in Red 1991 2.62 4
The Cyprus Tigers 1990 2.08 6
Fatal Termination 1990 3.18 18 available medias for this movie

action director

year  grade  avg.  nb
Exodus, Tale of the Enchanted Kingdom 2005 2.12 2
Final Edge 2002
Supercop.Com 2000 2 1
Pursuit of a Killer 雄霸四海 2000
Legend of Wind (2000) 黑獄聖女 2000
The Soft Rod 1999
My Wife's Bodyguard 1999
The Suspect 極度重犯 1998 3.3 25 available medias for this movie
Yes Madam 5 1996 1.62 2
Angel on Fire 喋血柔情 1995 1.75 2 available medias for this movie
Power Connection 1995 1 1
Deadly Target 1994 2.12 4
Lethal Panther 2 1993 2.29 6
Carry On Yakuza 1989 2.75 4
The Romancing Star 精裝追女仔 1987 2.84 11 available medias for this movie
Fortune Hunters 1987 2.5 1
Yellow Skin 1985
Manhunt 1978
Sea God And Ghosts 1977


year  grade  avg.  nb
Pursuit of a Killer 雄霸四海 2000
Payment in Blood 英雄神話 2000 1 1
Supercop.Com 2000 2 1


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Flop underline a poor performance

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