FENG Ko An / Feng Ke An / Kean Feng / Fung Hark On / Fong Hak Onn


year  grade  avg.  nb
Godfather's daughter mafia blues 烈火情仇 1991 3.35 5 available medias for this movie
Miss Magic 1988 2.67 3
Edge of Darkness 1988 2.92 3
The Gold Hunters 1981 3 1 available medias for this movie


year  grade  avg.  nb
Kick Ball 仙球大戰 2014
Once upon a time in Shanghai 惡戰 2014 3.1 5
Tai Chi Zero 2012 2.85 5
Ip Man 2 葉問2:宗師傳奇 2010 3.41 34 available medias for this movie
The First 7th Night 頭七 2009 3.05 5 available medias for this movie
Rebellion 同门 2009 2.95 5 available medias for this movie
True Women for Sale 我不卖身,我卖子宫 2008 3.47 8 available medias for this movie
Lethal Angels 2006 2 8 available medias for this movie
Kung Fu Hustle 功夫 2004 3.63 95 available medias for this movie
Shark Busters 反收數特遣隊 2002 2.71 6 available medias for this movie
Black Mask vs. Gambling Mastermind 黑俠VS賭聖 2002 0.25 1
Teenage Gambler 少年賭聖 2002 0 1
Ghostly Bus 鬼巴士 1995 3 1
Oh! Yes Sir! 神探POWER之問米追兇 1994 3.12 8 available medias for this movie
Pink Bomb 1993 2.67 3
Twin Dragons 雙龍會 1992 3.21 62 available medias for this movie
Yes Madam '92: A Serious Shock 1992 2.8 5 available medias for this movie
Handsome Siblings 絕代雙驕 1992 2.49 23 available medias for this movie
Godfather's daughter mafia blues 烈火情仇 1991 3.35 5 available medias for this movie
Thunder Run 1991 3.5 7
Point of No Return 都市煞星 1991 3.5 1 available medias for this movie
The Sniping 1990 2.94 4
Just Heroes 義膽群英 1989 3.61 47
Ghost Ballroom 猛鬼舞廳 1989 2.25 2 available medias for this movie
Burning Ambition 1989 3.06 12
Miracles 奇蹟 1989 3.45 41 available medias for this movie
Path of Glory 沖天小子 1989 2.92 3
The Outlaw Brothers 1988 3.54 19
Edge of Darkness 1988 2.92 3
Tiger Cage 特警屠龍 1988 3.62 37 available medias for this movie
Bloody Fight 1988 2.8 5 available medias for this movie
Magnificent Warriors 中華戰士 1987 3.56 28 available medias for this movie
Lucky Stars Go Places 最佳福星 1986 2.87 13 available medias for this movie
Police Story 警察故事 1985 4 77 74/100 available medias for this movie
Heart of Dragon 龍的心 1985 3.46 35 available medias for this movie
The Protector 威龍猛探 1985 2.48 15 available medias for this movie
Double Trouble 大小不良 1984 2 1 available medias for this movie
Zu, warriors from the magic mountain 蜀山 1983 3.45 83 available medias for this movie
Winners and sinners 奇謀妙計五福星 1983 3.64 38 available medias for this movie
Duel of the Masters 1983
Bloody Mission 1983
Demon Fighter 1982 3 1 available medias for this movie
Dragon Lord 龍少爺 1982 2.94 40 available medias for this movie
Legend of a Fighter 霍元甲 1982 3.53 15 available medias for this movie
Warrior from Shaolin 1981 3 1
The Gold Hunters 1981 3 1 available medias for this movie
Dreadnought 勇者無懼 1981 3.71 23 available medias for this movie
Bruce - King of Kung Fu 1980
The Young Master 帥弟出馬 1980 3.59 28 available medias for this movie
Snake Deadly Act 1980 3.5 4
The Fairy, the Ghost and Ah Chung 1979
Kung Fu Vs. Yoga 1979 2.42 6
Crazy Couple 無招勝有招 1979 3.08 3 available medias for this movie
Magnificent Butcher 林世榮 1979 3.82 28 available medias for this movie
Last Hurrah for Chivalry 豪俠 1979 3.47 41 available medias for this movie
Bruce Lee The Invincible 1978 1.33 3
Snake in the Eagle's Shadow 蛇形刁手 1978 3.72 39 available medias for this movie
Warriors 2 贊先生與找錢華 1978 3.86 35 available medias for this movie
Game of Death 死亡遊戲 1978 1.88 48 available medias for this movie
Follow the Star 1978 2.62 2 available medias for this movie
Dirty Tiger, Crazy Frog 老虎田雞 1978 3.02 12 available medias for this movie
Descendant Of Wing Chun 1978 3 1
The Monk 1978 2.5 1
Dirty Kung Fu 1978
Hello, Late Homecomers 1978 1.83 3 available medias for this movie
Breakout from Oppression 1978 1.5 2
Enter the Fat Dragon 肥龍過江 1978 3.65 20
Amsterdam Kill 1978 2 1
Deadly Angels 1977 1.19 4
The 36 Crazy Fists 1977 1.65 5
The Kung Fu Kid 1977 2.5 2 available medias for this movie
Hot Blood 1977 2 3
Iron Fisted Monk 三德和尚與舂米六 1977 3.45 27 available medias for this movie
Shaolin Plot 四大門派 1977 3.19 4 available medias for this movie
Executioners From Shaolin 洪熙官 1977 3.63 29 available medias for this movie
The Sentimental Swordsman 多情劍客無情劍 1977 3.57 22 available medias for this movie
Challenge of the Masters 陸阿采與黃飛鴻 1976 3.46 27 available medias for this movie
Killer Clans 流星蝴蝶劍 1976 4.2 33 54/100 available medias for this movie
Bruce Lee -- The True Story 1976 3.12 2
The Magic Blade 天涯明月刀 1976 4.01 41 94/100 available medias for this movie
Spiritual Boxer 神打 1975 3.35 5 available medias for this movie
The Young Dragons 1975 3.1 5 available medias for this movie
All Men are Brothers 蕩寇誌 1975 3.21 6 available medias for this movie
Big Brother Cheng 大哥成 1975 3.5 3 available medias for this movie
Fantastic Magic Baby 1975 2.08 3 available medias for this movie
Disciples of Shaolin 1975 3.69 13 available medias for this movie
Thunder Kick 1974
Five Tough Guys 1974 2.88 2 available medias for this movie
Wits to Wits 1974 1.75 2
Five Shaolin Masters 少林五祖 1974 3.34 24 available medias for this movie
Na Cha The Great 哪吒 1974 2.71 7 available medias for this movie
Shaolin Martial Arts 1974 3.57 7 available medias for this movie
Friends 1974 2.88 4 available medias for this movie
Men from the Monastery 1974 2.38 10 available medias for this movie
The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires 1974 2.58 6
Shatter 1974 2 1
The Mandarin 1973
The Master of Kung Fu 1973 2.7 5 available medias for this movie
The Awaken Punch 1973 2.75 1
The Inheritor of Kung Fu 1973 2.5 1
The Young Tiger 1973
The Delinquent 憤怒青年 1973 3.12 4 available medias for this movie
Heroes Two 方世玉與洪熙官 1973 3.22 22 available medias for this movie
Iron Bodyguard 大刀王五 1973 2.62 6 available medias for this movie
Police Force 警察 1973 2.5 2 available medias for this movie
Boxer From Shantung 馬永貞 1972 3.96 41 available medias for this movie
The Water Margin 水滸傳 1972 2.94 18 available medias for this movie
The Prodigal Boxer 1972 3 3
Four Riders 1972 3.15 5 available medias for this movie
Tough Guy 1972
The Lizard 壁虎 1972 3.1 5 available medias for this movie
The Killer 1972 3.75 2
Warrior of Steel 1972 3.34 11 available medias for this movie
Angry Guest 1972 2.42 3 available medias for this movie
Duel of Fists 拳擊 1971 2.41 11 available medias for this movie
The Anonymous Heroes 無名英雄 1971 2.92 6 available medias for this movie
The Duel 1971 3.6 12 available medias for this movie
The New One-Armed Swordsman 新獨臂刀 1971 4.13 66 52/100 available medias for this movie
Deadly Duo 雙俠 1971 3.38 21 available medias for this movie
The Singing Killer 1970 2.42 3 available medias for this movie
Heroic Ones 十三太保 1970 3.13 19 available medias for this movie
Vengeance ! 報仇 1970 3.73 29 available medias for this movie
The Chinese Boxer 龍虎門 1970 2.85 21 available medias for this movie
Have Sword, Will Travel 保鏢 1969 3.58 19 available medias for this movie

action director

year  grade  avg.  nb
Ghostly Bus 鬼巴士 1995 3 1
Manhunt Across the Border 1993
The Kidnap of Wong Chak Fai 1993 3 1
Fun and Fury 痴情快婿 1992 3.04 7 available medias for this movie
The Musical Vampire 1992 2.5 4 available medias for this movie
Yes Madam '92: A Serious Shock 1992 2.8 5 available medias for this movie
Godfather's daughter mafia blues 烈火情仇 1991 3.35 5 available medias for this movie
Ghost for Sales 捉鬼專門店 1991 2.88 4
Kawashima Yoshiko 川島芳子 1990 3 6 available medias for this movie
Burning Ambition 1989 3.06 12
Forever Young 返老還童 1989 3 1 available medias for this movie
Chinese Cop-Out 省港雙龍 1989 2.94 4
Edge of Darkness 1988 2.92 3
Gunmen 天羅地網 1988 3.41 40 available medias for this movie
The Outlaw Brothers 1988 3.54 19
Magnificent Warriors 中華戰士 1987 3.56 28 available medias for this movie
Police Story 警察故事 1985 4 77 74/100 available medias for this movie
Last Hero In China 1984 2.5 1 available medias for this movie
Zu, warriors from the magic mountain 蜀山 1983 3.45 83 available medias for this movie
Demon Fighter 1982 3 1 available medias for this movie
Dragon Lord 龍少爺 1982 2.94 40 available medias for this movie
The Young Master 帥弟出馬 1980 3.59 28 available medias for this movie
Crazy Couple 無招勝有招 1979 3.08 3 available medias for this movie
Last Hurrah for Chivalry 豪俠 1979 3.47 41 available medias for this movie
Enter the Fat Dragon 肥龍過江 1978 3.65 20
Descendant Of Wing Chun 1978 3 1


year  grade  avg.  nb
Dragons Forever 飛龍猛將 1988 4.1 51 66/100 available medias for this movie


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