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Legend of the Dragon

main information

english title Legend of the Dragon
original title 龍的傳人

cast & crew

directorDanny LEE Sau-Yin - 李修賢
actorStephen CHOW Sing-Chi - 周星馳
Amy YIP Chi May - 葉子楣
YUEN Wah - 元華
LEE Hoi-San
Teresa MO Sun-Kwan - 毛舜筠
SHING Fui-On - 成奎安
LOK Ying-Kwai
LEUNG Ka-Yan - 梁家仁
Corey YUEN Kwai - 元奎
Ricky YI Fan-Wan
Jimmy LUNG Fong
CHIU Chi-Ling
producerDanny LEE Sau-Yin - 李修賢
action directorCorey YUEN Kwai - 元奎
YUEN Wah - 元華
scriptwriter LAW Kam-Fai

additional Info

duration91 minutes
distributorGolden Princess


Chow Siu Lung (Stephen Chow) is the only son of kung-fu instructor Chow Fei Hung (Yuen Wah) from Tai O. Hung wanted Lung to make a living in the city so he asked Yan (Leung Ka Yan) accompany Lung. Yan discovered that Lung is a natural snooker player and used him to make profits from illegal bets. Later he even swindled Lung's title deed of his ancestral home. When all seem lost, Lung's childhood sweetheart Mo Mo (Teresa Mo) used another piece of land as the stake and demanded a re-match...

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