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Forbidden City Cop

main information

english title Forbidden City Cop
original title 大內密探零零發

cast & crew

directorVincent KOK Tak-Chiu - 谷德昭
Stephen CHOW Sing-Chi - 周星馳
actorStephen CHOW Sing-Chi - 周星馳Ling Ling Chat
Carman LEE Yeuk-Tung - 李若彤
Carina LAU Ka-Ling - 劉嘉玲La femme de Ling Ling
Charles SHEN
WONG Yat-Fei - 黃一飛
Sunny YUEN Shun-Yi
Vincent KOK Tak-Chiu - 谷德昭
LEE Kin-Yan
Mimi CHU Mi-Mi
Lowell CHIK King-Man
Kingdom YUEN King-Tan
Tats LAU Yi-Tat
Manfred WONG
Stephen AU Kam-Tong - 區錦棠
YUEN Cheung-Yan
CHEUNG Tat-Ming - 張達明
Alvina KONG Yan-Yin - 江欣燕
LAW Kar-Ying - 羅家英
LEE Lik-Chi - 李力持
producer WONG Jing - 王晶
Tiffany CHEN Ming-Yin
action directorTony POON Kin-Kwan
scriptwriter LO Man-Sun
Vincent KOK Tak-Chiu - 谷德昭
production designerCyrus HO Kim Hung
artistic directorCyrus HO Kim Hung
costumesSilver CHEUNG

additional Info

classificationHong-Kong: Not suitable for children


"Fat" was a member of the secret team "The King's Guardian". He knew nothing about martial art, so he was the most neglected of the team and was disguised as a doctor awaiting orders from the Emperor. "Kam" dynasty used an excuse to assassinate the Emperor. "Fat" smelled the trouble and went along secretly to protect the Emperor. After that "Fat" received the highest honor. Meanwhile, he was tempted by a famous prostitute Kim. In fact, this was a trap...

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