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The Crazy Companies

main information

english title The Crazy Companies
original title 最佳損友

cast & crew

director WONG Jing - 王晶
actorAndy LAU Tak-Wah - 劉德華
LAW Ching-Ho
Chingmy YAU Suk Ching - 邱淑貞
Ida CHAN Yuk-Lin
HUI Ying-Sau
Joan TONG Lai-Kau
Gabriel WONG Yat-San - 黄一山
Stuart HONG Sai Kit
SHING Fui-On - 成奎安
WONG Jing - 王晶
Sandra NG Kwun-Yu - 吳君如
James WONG Jim - 黃霑
Stanley FUNG Shui-Fan
Nat CHAN Pak-Cheung - 陳百祥
Charlie CHO Cha-Lei - 曹查理
TO Siu Ming
scriptwriter WONG Jing - 王晶

additional Info


Kwai and Fu are brothers but Kwai was brought up in America. After the death of their father, Kwai was asked to take over half of his father's properties but Fu was not willing to share. He then sent Horny, Frank and Kai to make friends with Kwai and try to ruin his reputation. The three pals finally failed their mission but became good friends with Kwai and defeat Fu together. Finally Fu discovered Kwai intelligence and willing to run the business with him together.

(source: DVD)

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