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Cop Unbowed

main information

english title Cop Unbowed

cast & crew

director LAM Wai-Tat
actorAlex FONG Chung-Sun - 方中信
Yoyo MUNG Ka-Wai - 蒙嘉慧
CHIN Ka-Lok - 钱嘉乐
Michael TSE Tin-Wah
Eddy KO Hung - 高雄
LAM Suet - 林雪
TSE Tin-Wah

additional Info

duration85 mins


Lam Long (Alex Fong), the inspector of Hong Kong Police Force, was framed and suspended because of his rescue for his girlfriend (Yo Yo Mung), who has been kidnapped by the mob. After leaving the Police Force, Long goes to a small island and runs a seafood restaurant for peace of mind. But the gangster doesn't let him go and have been chasing for him for 10 years. One day, a young man, Henry (Sam Chan), whose father was killed by Long for some reason, comes back from Australia and gets into Long's restaurant in order to find out who the real murderer is.

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