CHEN Pei Hsi
Chan Pooi Sai


year  grade  avg.  nb
The Magic Gourd 中文字幕 2007 2.3 5
Only for You 1986
Silent Romance 1984 4 1 available medias for this movie
Rape and Die 1983 3.12 4
Men from the Gutter 1983 3.92 9 available medias for this movie
The Pure and the Evil 青春1000日 1982 2.6 5 available medias for this movie
Five Element Ninjas 1982 3.43 15 available medias for this movie
Teenage Dreamers 檸檬可樂 1982 2.25 2 available medias for this movie


Top rewards a valuable job.

Flop underline a poor performance

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