VCD Swordsman 2
Mei Ah

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The Movie
English Title Swordsman 2
Aka Swordman 2
Year 1992
Country Hong-Kong
director Tony CHING Siu-Tung - 程少東
Stanley TONG Gwai-Lai
actor Jet LI Lianjie - 李連杰
Brigitte LIN Ching-Hsia - 林青霞
Candy YU On-On - 余安安
YEN Shi-Kwan
Waise LEE Chi-Hung - 李子雄
Rosamund KWAN Chi-Lam - 關之琳
Michelle REIS - 李嘉欣
Fennie YUEN Kit-Ying - 袁潔瑩
Genre wu xia pian (swordplay)
The Item
Video 4/3 Letterbox
Movie Format : unknown
Languages mandarin mono
cantonese mono
Subtitles english burned
chinese burned
Special Features No bonus
Menus No menus
Disc Double CD NTSC
Distributor Mei Ah
Cat. Number VCD-1202
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DVD Swordman 2

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NB : Those specifications haven't always been verified. We cannot test every single DVD, VCD or CD which is present in this database. The provided information comes from the item cover or from the distributor website or documents. We try our best to check its reliability, especially for the languages and subtitles.
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